Our Charges

Our tariffs including feeding your cat exclusively with Royal Canin products (Purina Pro One, Purina Cat Chow and Ultima is also available).

Our 2025 tarrifs:

No. Cats Tarrif Price
1 cat 13 Euros
2 cats 20 Euros
3 cats 28 Euros
4 cats 33 Euros

Terms & Conditions

Please take the time to read our terms and conditions.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

The following defines the terms and conditions which we use to undertake for the cat owner the service of looking after your cat during a defined stay.  Apart from a special derogation, only these terms and conditions are applicable.

These overwrite all previous ones.

  • The above Tariff is inclusive of feeding your cat using the Royal Cainn products, Purina Pro One and Ultima dry cat food.
  • There is no reduction in the daily cost of your cats stay if you wish to provide their food. Exceptions to this are for those cats who are on a specific veterinary diet. In these circumstances, we ask that you provide their food in the usual way.

  • Any services or extra supplies that have arisen during your cats stay will be billed and paid for on the day of collection of your cat at the end of its stay.


It is a legal requirement that your cat is micro chipped or tattooed.

  • You are required to provide us with your cats vaccination card and must be up to date.
  • If you do not wish us to feed your cat while with us, then you must bring sufficient food to cover the entire length of their stay.
  • Unless you wish us to feed your cat, please bring sufficient food for your cat to cover the entire length of their stay with us.
  • All cat owners must declare all information concerning any issues, problems which may affect your cats  behaviour, health or safety during its stay. We cannot be held responsible for any incidents that may occur as a result of a lack of disclosure or information.
  • You are required to provide us with your cats vaccination card.  This must be up to date with all vaccinations and be vaccinated at least 15 days prior to arrival.
  • The arrival and departure of your cat as well as any prior visit to inspect our premises are made by appointment.
  • Cats must be treated for fleas, ticks and worms prior to their stay. If your cat is found to have parasites during the stay we will treat accordingly and the charge will be added to the stay invoice.
  • If your cat has a health issue, it should be indicated to us before its arrival and details should be written into the Booking Form. We are happy to administer any medication your cat needs, but will require you to provide sufficient quantity for its stay and a copy of the prescription.
  • We will administer medications free of charge provided your cat is amenable to being handled. The  exception is injections which there may be a charge for.
  • If your cat requires a surgical or medical emergency intervention, the cat owner gives his/her consent that we undertake all necessary action concerning the cats health. We will use our own vet and the cost of the visit and treatments will be covered by the owner of the cat.
  • If your cat has had elective surgery such as neutering, we cannot accept your cat until the stitches have been removed.


  • The day your cat arrives is charged as the first day regardless of the arrival time.
  • If you collect your cat before midday on the day of departure there is no charge for that day.
  • Any services or extra supplies that have arisen during your cats stay will be billed and paid for on the day of collection of your cat at the end of its stay.

Accident and Death

  • We cannot be held responsible for the death or accidents involving a cat in our care, unless the cat owner can provide the proof and necessary elements for reimbursement.

Collection and Abandonment

  • We will only hand over the cat to its owner.  If the owner wishes to authorise a third party to collect the cat, the owner should give us the details of the person’s identity prior to collection.
  • Abandonment: The owner of the cat must respect the dates of a booked stay.  Any over stay must be indicated to our establishment in order not to treat the cat as abandoned after more than 8 days without news from its owner.  In this circumstance we will be within our rights to re-home the cat and action will be taken against the owner to recover our costs.


  • All reservations should be validated by the completion of the cat booking form.
  • This along with the Terms and Conditions of Service should be signed and returned to us  within seven days of your reservation.
  • A confirmation email of the booking will be sent by return.


There are no cancellation fees. We merely ask that you let us know at the earliest opportunity any changes or cancellation of your booking.